Personal Projects
The following subset of projects are some of the things I’ve done in my free time
Analyzing User Actions from online forums
Frequency of emotions and feelings displayed in forum comments on StackExchange threads relating to Information Security (most of them are positive!)
This project was a brief analysis into interesting user data from Information Security related threads on StackExchange. My basic intent was to understand user reputation through visualizations and create a method of modeling that reputation information. I also wished to determine a way to characterize and group the comments into some meaningful representation using Natural Language Processing. This dataset lets me explore some techniques in text analysis which was quite different than other analytical methods I’ve done before. Check out the links below for more information.
Teaching Convolutional Neural Networks
Example of Convolutional Layer in a CNN (featured in tutorial)
This project was my first hands-on experience using Neural Networks and specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). I wanted to develop some tutorial I could look back on for later guidance and have something I could use to help others learn about Neural Networks. This project was completed using Jupyter Notebooks and Python with the Keras library. Check out the links below to download or to be directed another version of the tutorial.